Registration > Information

Registration and Abstract submission

The registration fees include VAT, give access to the Book of Abstracts, Conference venue, two cofee and one lunch breaks, and are as follows:

  • Onsite Regular participant: 50 €
  • Online Regular participant: 10 €
  • Online and Onsite Student & PostDoc participant: 10 €

The registration deadline is June 10th 2023. The link to follow the Symposium in streaming will be sent by email, only after payment receival. The data submitted for registration via the form will be used solely by the Symposium Organizing Committee and for the sole purpose of organizing the symposium. Data will not be shared; ARBRE follows the GDPR EU 2016/679 law.

Payments are by bank transfer:
  • Account holder: ARBRE - Association of Resources for Biophysical Research in Europe
  • Bank name: CIC - Crédit Industriel et Commercial
  • IBAN: FR 76 30066 1089 0000 2031 250194

In the text, please, indicate: <your name> GLP-ARBRE <online> or <on site>; send the receipt by email to

Payments are also allowed by purchase order (France only):

ARBRE - Association of Resources for Biophysical Research in Europe
6 Avenue Gaston Berger
69622 Villeurbanne
N. SIREN 909607103

When submitting an abstract you can choose whether to submit either for poster presentation (A0 vertical once printed) or for selection for an oral presentation. Deadline for abstract submission is June 4th 2023.

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